The Brentwood Public Library will close at 5pm on Monday, February 17th, for Presidents' Day.

Museum Passes

Introducing our new and convenient Print on Demand Museum Passes, designed to make your museum-going experience easier than ever before! With select passes, you can now print the pass from the convenience of your own home.

Museum Pass Guidelines  

We have 2 types of museum passes available to check out, physical passes and print on demand passes. Print on Demand passes will have a printer icon next to them on the reservation screen.  

Print on demand passes may be borrowed as follows:  

  • Print on demand passes must be printed.

  • The pass must be reserved for the date you plan on visiting the museum, up to 60 days in advance. The pass can then be printed out from home or from here at the library at any point prior to or on the visitation day.  

  • A valid email address is required for Print on Demand passes. (If you do not have an email address, please contact the Adult Reference Desk.) 

  • Please bring your library card with you to the museum. 

  • The Children's Museum of the East End requires a timed reservation along with the printed pass.

Physical Passes (Empire Pass, Long Island Children’s Museum, Old Bethpage Village Restoration) may be borrowed as follows:  

  • Reserve the pass for the day you are picking it up (the day before your visit)

  • The return date (the day after the visit— if the library is closed on that day, it will be due back the next day the library is open). 

  • A fee of $20 will be charged for each day the pass is late. Any user who loses a museum pass will be charged the replacement cost of $150.00. Once the pass is reported lost, it loses all value. 

  • Reservations can be made in person, by phone (631-273-7883, ext. 123), or online through our museum pass software available on our website. Please have your library card with you when placing your reservation and when picking up your pass. 

  • Passes may be reserved up to 60 days in advance.

  • If you wish to cancel or change your museum pass reservation, you may do so online, by calling or visiting the library. 

  • If the pass you are reserving is lost or comes back late from a previous patron, the library may not be able to honor your reservation. Please call ahead to confirm that your pass is available for pick-up. 

  • Museum passes are picked up (checked out) and returned (checked in) at the Adult Reference Desk. Passes may not be dropped off in the book drop and they cannot be renewed. 

  • You must pick up your reserved pass after 3 pm on the pick-up date (day before visit) and return it by 1 pm on the return date. 

  • Although information about each museum is provided as a courtesy, the library cannot guarantee its accuracy for museum hours, closings due to holidays, weather or parking fees and suggests that patrons call the museum prior to visiting or for any additional questions. 

By clicking "I Accept." I agree to abide by the rules governing access to museum passes. 
Clicking "I Accept" will allow you to browse available museum passes, either by date or museum.

Please check with each institution for guidelines before you embark on your trip. It is the patron’s responsibility to inquire about any limited hours/services or reservations needed to be made directly with the venue before their visit.

I Accept