The Brentwood Public Library will close at 5pm on Monday, February 17th, for Presidents' Day.

Virtual NYCourt Access

Brentwood Public Library is part of the New York State Unified Court System’s Virtual Court Access Network (VCAN). VCAN Locations aim to create a friendly, safe, and secure space for court users to appear in court and have access to court-related services within their own community. Using the library’s computers, the public can have direct, live access to Suffolk County Family Court Clerks from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding UCS holidays.   


Patrons can also access legal forms, make court appearances, and electronically submit documents to all courts with the technical assistance of Brentwood Public Library staff. 


What does the Virtual Court Access Network look like?

Brentwood Public Library provides access to the New York State Unified Court System through a safe, secure, private, and confidential laptops. The laptops are located on the Lower Level at the Brentwood Public Library. Patrons may borrow laptops and study space by going to the Lower Level Desk. The computers have direct links to the resources you need to complete your Family Court forms and are set up for direct video calls to Suffolk County Family Court. The court clerks are the same clerks you would see if you went to Suffolk County Family Court in person.  A connection to language access for direct court interaction is available to assist patrons in languages other than English. 


How do I use the laptops?

The laptops are on the Lower Level of the Brentwood Public Library. You do not need to reserve the laptops in advance. Staff can provide technical assistance with the laptops, scanning, and faxing. 

If you require a private place to use the laptop, whether it’s for a court appearance or a video call, you can reserve a lower level study room and put “Laptop” or “Court Program” in the use of the room. You can reserve a room by clicking on this link or by calling us at 631-273-7883.


How can Family Court Clerks help me?

The Suffolk County Family Court clerks are available through Microsoft Teams by video call or chat. They can walk you through the paperwork that needs to be completed for your Suffolk County Family Court case. The library staff will assist you with scanning and emailing your documents to Family Court.   


What if I need help and it is not a Family Court case?

Virtual clerks are available to assist, to the best of their ability, with all court matters.  Connecting to a virtual clerk can still provide you quick access to court procedure, forms, and information.  Additionally, library staff are trained to provide technical assistance while using the laptops. If you are unsure of what form to use or your next step, a librarian may be able to assist you in locating what you need. Librarians are not lawyers, and we cannot provide legal advice. You may need to seek consultation with a lawyer. Please see the provided resources below for help finding a lawyer in Suffolk County.  Additionally, the library hosts the Community Legal Help Project. To make an appointment, please call (631) 822-3272. 


New York State Court Resources

New York State Unified Court System


Public Access Law Libraries

Help Centers

Ask a Law Librarian

Suffolk County Community Resource Guide

Legal Glossary

Filing Fees



Find a Lawyer 

Suffolk County Bar Association

Community Legal Help Project

Legal Services of Long Island

Empire Justice Center


Landlord/Tenant Resources & Housing Assistance 

Legal Hand

Family Service League


Legal Forms 

New York State Court DIY Forms

Additional New York State Court Forms


Gale Legal Forms - NOVELNY