The Brentwood Public Library will close at 5pm on Monday, February 17th, for Presidents' Day.

Digital Collection

eBooks & Audiobooks

  • Hoopla – Stream or Download Movies, TV Shows, Audiobooks, or Music for Free! Limit of 5 Items a month. 
  • Live-brary offers free access to thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks! To view the collection, read books, or listen to audiobooks using your computer, click here.
  • Libby, by Overdrive– Free E-Book and Audiobooks available on your smartphone, tablet, or E-Reader.
  • Odilo – Lea libros electrónicos en español. Acceda con su tarjeta de la biblioteca de Brentwood. Lea libros utilizando su teléfono, tableta o computadora.


  • - Read online or download more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines from 150 countries (popular titles include The Guardian, Newsweek, Der Tagesspiegel, El Razon, and China Daily) and in more than 60 languages. No limits on downloads. They’re yours to keep forever.
  • Flipster eMagazines – is a next-generation digital magazine solution that makes it easy for you to read your favorite magazines from any computer, laptop, or mobile device, as long as you are connected to the Internet.  Flipster’s collection of over 100 titles includes popular magazines such as: TIME, PEOPLE, Real Simple and Sports Illustrated.

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