The Brentwood Public Library will close at 5pm on Monday, February 17th, for Presidents' Day.

Press Releases


On March 22 Teatro Yerbabruja and the Brentwood Public Library will celebrate delivery of the first installment of materials shedding light on the long history of this iconic annual celebration

Brentwood NY, February 21, 2023 – On Wednesday March 22, 2023, at 2:00PM at the Brentwood Public Library, Teatro Experimental Yerbabruja, the organizer of the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade in Brentwood, will present to the Library the documentation collected to date about that iconic event’s 57-year history, casting light on the story of Puerto Rican and other Latin American migration to Long Island from early days to date.  Print and electronic media personnel are invited to attend.    

The Parade’s history almost came to an end in 2012 when the previous organizer lacked funding to continue.  Teatro Yerbabruja, a nonprofit arts and social change organization since 2004, took over coordination at the behest of the community and has continued doing so – with enormous community support – since then.  This year’s Parade will be held on Sunday June 4, starting at noon, on Brentwood/Bay Shore’s Fifth Avenue.

For the past several months Teatro Yerbabruja, in partnership with the Library and with support and guidance from the New York State Documentary Heritage Program & State Archives, has been developing data collection procedures and, in doing so, already has considerable material to provide to the Library, which has a modern and sizeable documentary history area and archival repository, with professional staff.  That staff, together with Teatro Yerbabruja, will continue to seek, collect, organize and archive relevant materials for the benefit of professional historians and others.



Brentwood Public Library to partner with New York State Courts!

Brentwood, N.Y. (December 21, 2022) Brentwood Public Library is a Public Library Access Hub for New York State courts. Public Library Access Hubs are places within communities where the public can access New York State courts remotely. Using the library’s computers, the public can have direct, live access to Family Court Clerks from 11am-4pm, Monday through Friday.  

The public can ask questions about Family Court forms and procedures, obtain court forms (for example, custody, child support, or order of protection forms), fill them out and file them with the Suffolk County Family Court Clerk’s Office directly from the library.  Patrons can also access electronically-filed New York State Supreme Court records and find out about future court appearances in the District, Family and Supreme Courts. 
